No, you cannot slow down the exercise, but you can take it easy as you train and do not push or rush. Eventually
you will gain the understanding to build the strength and agility to follow each exercise. Almost like in any
video game, you will find it easier and easier to perform if you follow the Voixman guide on how to
appropriately select the areas of support your body needs for a more automatic experience. We recommend doing
both male and female exercises so that you may build endurance in your entire range.
Our new system is optimized to have an ease of use, and has earned rave reviews from all of our members. The old
phone app was just the beginning. In this new educational experience you get invaluable content and a personal
guide with
Voixman .
If you are having an issue with your login process. Make sure you have properly logged into your account to
access ALL exercises. Also make sure you have not mistakenly selected a certain filter, so that you may view
full access.
As far as the chronology of the exercises. You can select "Warm Up" from the "category" filter, and run through
the exercises. Then choose "Building up" in category, and lastly, "Cool Down". This is available in our
desktop and mobile version and follows the guide as if you were in a private lesson with Ron
In our VR experience, you will follow the system through each planet which will guide you through a complete
training of the voice. Some exercises are more difficult than others, but that’s what it takes for you to really
get the real benefits from Ron Anderson’s teachings as all of his students have. You will also notice that the
classification and explanation video of each exercise is next to each planet.
We recommend using the OculusGo, available here:
Buy OculusGo