Ranges vary, not based on voice but based on training. The more you train the more flexibility your vocal folds will achieve and the more your range will increase and improve.
This is the most common question we receive. The answer is ALL. We have carefully selected the exercises which will give you full control over your voice. We are here to help you understand why this technique works and to break the common myths. ...
Absolutely! Once you have mastered the techniques singing will feel freeing and easy. Without the proper technique you will find it difficult and labor intensive. Always remember consistency is key! Sing Well! THE VOIXTEK TEAM www.voixtek.com ...
Singing lessons really do work, as long as the vocal trainer is well informed and can truly teach the mechanics of singing. Always remember consistency is key! Sing Well! THE VOIXTEK TEAM www.voixtek.com
Singing lessons and vocal training are the most essential part of any singer using their voice. Always remember consistency is key! Sing Well! THE VOIXTEK TEAM www.voixtek.com